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Friday, 25 February 2011

Growing outdoors?

  I was emailed this question a few weeks back and thought now is a good a time as any to put it in.
Considering  the nature of the topic ive decided it best kept in a point format and questions/suggestions can be
made below, here goes:

1) Dont grow on your own property if not legal to do so.
2) Dont tell anyone your growing at all, let alone where.
3) Dont visit often, keep the path as nature would have it.
4) Avoid patterns of any kind, spread it out.
5) Dont trek around carrying seeds, buds, harvest. its foolish; do it under cover of dark, dont leave the car around.
6) Planting near a water source is better then having to visit in a drought with 20L of water in bottles.
7) The "plants" outdoors dont need constant light directly like indoors, so using tree canopies is a good idea.
8) Refering to point 7, make sure at least 3 hours of direct light, regardless of angle.
9) Dont grow strains outdoors that will reach 3 meters in height, no matter how tempting lulwut ;D
10) Treat the soil as you would indoors, use ferts, manure "not yours...", compost etc BEFORE planting in a way you wont have to feed it at all again.
11) Caught at the site? you stumbled upon someone elses grow. deny everything.
12) Dont go crazy, you gotta take home your harvest. make it small enough to do in ONE trip!
13) If you want to cull males, time your visit so you need to go once, and bury them on site 2 feet or deeper.

Im probably missing a few tips! add them below, the good stuff will get added with credit. Peace+Love

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