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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Use googles SSL technology to hide what your looking for! "WINK"

Thats the URL ladies and gents!
This started around May 21 2010; Most people are still unaware of its existence, especially Non-American users.
The reason for this is only the .com version of Google actually uses the SSL. if you have had .ca bookmarked
or set as your homepage, as example, you would never have known.

Well what does this mean? Whats SSL?
SSL is the same secure technology that banks, shops, etc. Use on line to completely protect your
personal information, credit cards, etc from "packet sniffers" and hackers stealing it.
Great ya? well what that means is only you and Google will ever know what your looking for.
Search words like "Ganja grows" will no longer be visible to anyone, including authority, without getting
a warrant for your data and getting it directly from Google.
Making it harder for them is something you wanna be doing, ya feel me?

A few points I have to make though:
1) Only your Google search is actually encrypted, once you click a link, its gone.
2) Some features, like image searches, don't support SSL yet, check the url for " https:// "  Note the S <--
3) SSL may slow your searches down a touch, but a small price to pay to be safe.
4) Google still continues to collect all the data it always has, keep that in mind.
Nobody knows for sure if Google collects WHO did a search, and collects data by geographic location.
So you may have no ties to your searches with it. Remember though you still have a browsing history.

Think this is fantastic? Pointless? Discuss.

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